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FlashLED, la señal V16 que marca la diferencia. Fabricada en España, con app SOS Alert incluida. Envío rápido en 48-72h desde 49,90€ Comprar ahora

How to check if a V16 emergency light is approved by the DGT?

Recently, the General Directorate of Traffic has received criticism from some media, as a result of the comments made by its manager, Pere Navarro, about the use of emergency triangles .

According to Navarro, there has been a high number of hit-and-runs caused by drivers getting out of the car to place these triangles. Due to this, the DGT is considering the elimination of the obligatory nature of the triangles, in favor of the V16 emergency beacons .


These rotating emergency lights adhere to the car body by means of magnets, avoiding the need to get out of the vehicle to signal an incident. Even so, it is worth knowing that there are currently two types of V16 devices available on the market: those connected and those not connected to the DGT. Both are equally valid, although those not connected will cease to be as of January 1, 2026 . If a non-connected one is purchased now, it must be exchanged for a connected one before that date.


Those not connected are cheaper, around 15 euros, and meet all the technical specifications. As for those approved from 2026, they must be connected with the DGT , which allows the organization to implement the necessary emergency mechanisms for assistance in the event of an incident. These devices are around 50 euros and have a data connection via the internet guaranteed for 12 years, and in the case of FlashLED , you have the data connection until the year 2038 .


To distinguish what type of light you are purchasing, it is important to look at the approval code label that must be affixed or etched to the top of all lights. These beacons will have their own certification code indicated on them where their authentication as an approved emergency light can be definitively verified . In the case of FlashLED SOS V16 Connected, it is the LCOE:

  • LCOE xxxxxxxxxxG1 . The "x" indicate the date of approval, followed by a number of the Central Official Electrotechnical laboratory.

Both connected and non-connected lights are approved today, so it is convenient to look for an inscription on the box indicating the data connection, more specifically, the letters Iot (Internet of things) . FlasLED SOS V16 Connected, it does so through Telefónica 's NB (Narrow Band) communications network. This type of network works under 4G and 5G antennas and makes it possible to effectively broadcast a signal of the position in which the accident is located, even in areas with little coverage, such as subways, parking lots or areas with few populations.

FlashLED SOS V16 Connected

Finally, it should be noted that failure to comply with the approval of these devices can lead to a fine of up to 200 euros by the Civil Guard. This means that the safest and at the same time viable option for everyone is to acquire a V16 Connected emergency beacon with its proper approved certification.


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